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  • 866.200.8480
  • info@comaax.com





Privacy Policy

Comaax Group Corporation is committed to protecting the privacy rights of our customers and visitors according to California and Federal laws. Our policy is to limit the collection of data, protect and safeguard the privacy of personal information collected or maintained by our company. The company’s information management practices conform to the requirements of the Information Practices Act and other applicable laws pertaining to information privacy.
Personally Identifiable Information is any information that describes you and identifies you as an individual, such as your name, social security number, age, physical description, home address, home telephone number, education, financial matters, medical information, or employment history, that can readily identify you.  Electronic Personal Information refers to any information obtained and maintained by our company that identifies or describes you, including, data such as your name, age, social security number, home address, telephone number, physical description, education, financial matters, medical or employment history, password, e-mail address, and information that reveals your network location or identity.  It may also include your domain name, Internet Protocol address, web pages you visit, how long you were on the site.  We may collect more detailed data if you accept our presented options to do so, however, you may choose not to participate in these activities. Any type of personal information requested on our web site or volunteered by you is governed by State law and Federal Privacy Act.

Company Security Principles

1.      Google Analytics:  We use Google tracking cookies to provide information to Google Analytics, allowing us to track website statistics. Google tracking code used by websites or applications that employ Google Analytics stores information that identifies device IP addresses; however, we do not store any of these data.   For additional information, check out Google Analytics here.

2.      A limited collection of information: We collect personal information on you only as allowed by law.  We limit the collection of personal information to what is relevant and necessary to accomplish lawful purposes.  In instances where we need to respond to your inquiry, we may need to know your e-mail address or telephone number to answer your questions and comments. 

3.      Browsing our website: If you are simply browsing our website, we do not collect your personal information, such as your home or business addresses, or e-mail addresses. Personal information about you is collected through this website only if you provide such information to us voluntarily through web forms, e-mail, or surveys. We, in return use the information to facilitate in responding to you or improve the content or navigation of the website or provide survey information to you.  You may request to have your information discarded without reuse or distribution, by specifically requesting we take such action.

4.      Use of your e-mail:  While doing business with our organization, you may choose to provide us with your e-mail, containing questions, clarifications, complaints, or kudos comments.  We use the information to respond to you, improve our service to you or thank our staff for a job well done.  In some cases, we engage other third parties to assist us, who in so doing may share your email address to assist you. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations or, as required by law, we do not share your e-mail with other organizations. Submission of an email to us or communication through our website does not create any attorney-client or other privileged or confidential relationship. Accordingly, we request you do not disclose any information to us that you wish to remain private or confidential.

5.      Opportunity to review information:  If you provide us with any information, you can review the information and contest its accuracy or completeness.

6.      Policy Conflict:  In the event of a conflict between this Policy and the Information Practices Act or other law governing the disclosure of records, the applicable law will control.

7.      Protection of your information.  As the owner and manager of the website we have taken several steps to safeguard the integrity of our infrastructure, hosted by a third party.  These safeguards include, but not limited to secured transport, authentication, monitoring, auditing. Security measures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and ongoing practices of the entire operating environment as our continuing commitment to risk mitigation and management. This information should not be construed in any way as warranting a safe-proof of information provided through our website, as system security is ever-evolving. 

8.      Information we may collect: If you simply browse or download information from our site, we may automatically collect and store the following information about your visit:   a. The browser type and operating system of your computer or smartphone.  b. The Internet Protocol (IP) address and domain name is collected and is used to direct Internet traffic to you without identifying you individually and generate statistics used in the management of this website.  c. The city and zip code you are visiting from.  d. The date and time you visited our website.  e. The web pages or services you accessed on our website.  f. We may collect and process information about how you use our website, including how you move through our site. g. Any downloaded file.  h. The website you visited prior to coming to our website.  i. The website you visit as you leave our web site.

9.      Why collect information: To properly serve your needs, we automatically collect data to improve the content of our services, and to help us understand how you are using our services. This specific information does not identify you personally and is used for gathering website statistics. The information we automatically collect and store in our logs about your visit helps us to analyze our website to continually improve the value of available materials.  We do not link other websites you visited prior to your visit to our website.  You have the right to request that any collected personal information be deleted by us, without reuse or distribution, by requesting for us to do so. See our Contact Us link, above.

10. Sale of information: We do not sell any collected personal information.  Any distribution of collected personal information will be solely for the purposes for which it was provided to us.

11. Children under the age of 13: Our website is provided to adults, and not intended for children under 13 years of age, therefore, we do not permit children to provide any information to us, nor will we knowingly collect personal information from children under 13.  If you are under 13 years of age, please do not use or provide any information on our website.

12. Legal Disclosure:  We may disclose and/or share information about you and your use of our website if such disclosure is necessary to:

·         comply with the law upon a formal request by law enforcement agencies.

·         respond to claims that a communication violates the rights of another.

·         protect or defend our rights or rights of others.

·         enforce our website Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy.

Comaax Group Corporation will provide additional information about this Privacy Policy upon request by sending an email to info@comaax.com.